Ozone Therapy As A Possible Cure For COVID-19: A Paradigm Shift

Introduction Novel coronavirus or COVID-19 is rapidly spreading every single minute with a significant mortality rate. COVID-19 is a severe respiratory disease caused by SARS-COVID-2...


INTRODUCTION: Reverence for the beauty and usefulness of the naturally occurring materials around us has been felt and expressed ever since man learned to...

Genetics of Greed!

According to Erich Seligmann Fromm ( a German- born American social pychologist) Greed , also known as avarice, is "a bottomless pit which...
red vehicle in timelapse photography

The Layman Approach to Medical Emergencies

“Diseases desperate grown, By desperate appliance are relieved, Or not at all”:William Shakespeare - Hamlet  Introduction Time and again, humanity has spent billions of dollars and thousands...

IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) And Healthcare

“Intellectual property Rights” is the broad term for the area of law that involves the protection of proprietary rights in the creations of human...