How To Obtain Diploma of Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (MFDS) To Uplift Your Dental Career


An interview with Dr. Ayman Anis BDS, Tricollegiate member of the Royal College MFD RCSI, MFDS RCSEd, MFDS RCPS (Glasg) Egypt

1) Share your journey in dentistry and why did you choose MFDS?

Being the 1st doctor in the family, I had no past reference/guidance on what to do in college to achieve my best potential, so I felt lost most of the time and I had no idea what I was doing there, but somehow, I made it through.

Starting being involved in clinical practice, I noticed that I missed a lot, and my current scientific knowledge can use some improvements.

I considered applying for a post-graduate education program for a master’s degree, but there was a limited capacity each year and it was very Expensive for a fresh graduate. Then I considered joining the Royal College of Surgeons, considering its scientific footprint since 1505, various programs & memberships, suitable price range, and it included the scientific enhancement I needed. Without hesitation, I prepared for the exam, and I completed part 1 at the end of my internship year and part 2 after I completed my Military service.

2) Can you tell our audience about the various memberships?

There are 4 Royal Colleges that have a Faculty of Dental surgery / Dentistry: 2 in Scotland (Edinburgh & Glasgow), England and Ireland. They offer various memberships – General: MFDS (Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery RESEd /RCSEng/RCPSG) MFD (Membership of the Faculty of Dentistry – RCSI), which are equivalent and if you have a membership of one royal college, you can apply for another membership and enjoy the benefits.

Specialty: MRD (Membership in Restorative Dentistry) ( Endodontics – Prosthodontics – Periodontics ), M.Ortho ( Membership in Orthodontics) – MOMS ( Membership of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) Diploma in Implant Dentistry – Membership in Oral Surgery – Membership in Oral Medicine Membership in Paediatric Dentistry – Membership in Public Health – Membership in Special Care Dentistry and if you’re interested in teaching & Education you can join The Faculty of Dental Trainers.

3) What about the exam? (format/ difficulty / how to prepare / financial aspects)

One word I’ll use to describe the Exam is “Fair” it’s not too difficult & tricky but also not too easy; it evaluates your basic knowledge and assesses your competency to provide primary dental care.

it’s divided into two parts:

Part 1: Assessment of Basic Knowledge

Single best answer (England: 150 – Scotland: 180)

In case of the Ireland exam (Single best answer + True of False MCQ) in 3 hours (available online)

Fees: £535 (England) – £540 (Scotland) – €800 (Ireland)

Part 2: Assessment of Clinical Skills

10 – 15 OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Exam) in Average of 2 Hours

Fees: £672 (England)-£730 (Scotland)-€900 (Ireland)

Dates & Locations and more information about exams are available online on their sites:

4) What are the benefits of joining The Royal college of surgeons?

Worldwide Recognized Certificate

CPD (Continuous Professional Development),Courses/workshops/symposia/online library.

Discounts on services or facilities.

Network of worldwide like-minded colleagues.

Support (Research grants – Awards – VISA application supporting letter …etc.)

Positions & Opportunities (Board – Examiner – Speaker …etc.)

5) Can you highlight the other areas besides practicing conventional dentistry?

Many Fresh graduates often are confused and don’t know where to start, and that’s totally normal as they didn’t experience much to develop a personal preference, but many can be trapped in the box of an academic career or clinical practice their whole life, but there’s a lot more you can do besides that out of the box:

– Rare Specialties (OMFS-OMF Pathology- Forensics-Public health & Management-Special Care …etc.) – Research, small Ideas change the world.

– Imaging (X-ray/Radiology-Digital workflow-Exocad Design-Photography)

– Create / Develop a product – Sales (Dental/Pharmaceutical) – Media & Marketing – Join the Military. – Travel & Practice abroad – Online Freelance.

6) How satisfied are you with your achievements so far? Any failures or hardships would you like to share with our audience for it to be their learning lessons?

I have mixed feelings of being surprised & Proud of how far I’ve gone considering how I started / many pumps along the road/joined the Military, and having the chance to give lectures & assist in the ER besides the Dental work / Traveling to the UK for the 1st Time, It was quite a wholesome experience.

I have 3 pieces of advice to give every young dentist:

1. Avoid Overconfidence

2. Empty your cup; there’s always room for improvement. No one knows everything, but everyone has something to offer; seek it.

3. Find a Mentor.

7) What are your future plans?

Currently, I’m working on my specialty in Implant Dentistry to be able to get the Diploma offered by the Royal College in the next two years, also helping young Dentists & colleagues along the way, and maybe in the future, I’ll join The Faculty of Dental Trainers.

For more Information & Updates, you can follow me on Instagram at

I’ll be happy to answer your further questions & Case discussions.

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