Choosing The Right ELISA Kit Depends on the Number of Factors
The species being studied
If the sample is from a classical model such as human, mouse, and rat, it is relatively easy to find a validated ELISA kit. But if the sample is from a non-classical model such as monkey, there are limited numbers of commercial ELISA kits available. In this case, you may have to choose a kit validated on species that shows homology with the species of your sample.

The analyte of interest
If the analyte which you are trying to study is a large protein with multiple epitopes, like a cytokine, then a Sandwich ELISA would be most appropriate and if it is a smaller molecule like a hapten, then a competitive ELISA would be more appropriate.

Type Of Study – Research Purpose Or Clinical Diagnostics
ELISA kits are of two types –
1) RUO – Research Use Only – As the name suggests these ELISA kits are to be used only for research purpose and cannot be used in clinics.
2) IVD- Invitro Diagnostics – These ELISA kits can be used for clinical purposes.

Sample Size
ELISA kits are usually available with varying numbers of wells like– 96, 180, 360 wells etc. For example, if the sample size for your study is 80, then go for 96 wells kit, as nearly 10 wells are required for washing. Therefore, your sample size plays another important role in choosing your ELISA kit.
ELISA kits usually require from 10ul – 100ul samples. If the amount of your sample is very small or your sample is available in smaller quantities, better choose ELISA kits that require less amount of sample.

Lot Number
Every ELISA KIT has a lot number on it. Results of the study can vary to a certain extent if ELISA kits of different lot numbers are used, as it denotes that, those kits were not produced in the same lot at the same time.

Type Of Antibody
There are two types of antibodies-
1) Monoclonal antibody
2) Polyclonal antibody
In sandwich ELISA, it is sometimes helpful to use a polyclonal antibody for capture antibody and a monoclonal antibody for detection antibody.

Purpose Of The Analysis
ELISA can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Qualitative ELISA provides a simple positive or negative result for a sample, while quantitative ELISA provides information regarding the concentration of the analyte in a sample via a standard curve. Do you want to quantify the analyte of inetrest in your sample or want to only detect the presence/absence of it. Based on the purpose of the analysis, you can
choose between qualitative ELISA and quantitative ELISA.

Popular ELISA Kit Supplier Brands (Companies)
Ray Biotech
Thermo Fischer Scientific