By: Dr Somedatta Ghosh (Pal)
Medical Writer (Regulatory Affairs & Medicomarketing)
Students and professionals who are involved in the field of medical science, pharmaceutical science, Biology and Chemistry can think of Medico Marketing as a new and unique career option. It is quite different from the well-known traditional career options.
Sometimes students fall into a dilemma during their job searching, which career options will not only allow them to be part of a fast-growing industry but also satisfy their thirst for knowledge? This field is perfectly suitable for people who want to utilize the grey matter of the brain.
You need very good subject knowledge, lots of creativity, sound knowledge of marketing tricks, punctuality and many other skills to conquer the challenges of the Medico Marketing field. In today’s world pharmaceutical industry is growing very fast and plenty of career options are emerging in all the fields related to this industry. Medico Marketing is also not an exception.
What is Medico Marketing?
The strategies of pharmaceutical companies to promote their products and maximize their sales are known as Medico Marketing, pharmaceutical marketing or pharma marketing. Its purpose is to provide regular updates on the safe and effective usage of marketed medicines to physicians, nurses, pharmacists and patients.
The information provided in this marketing should be of high quality and must not be incorrect or inflated. Advertisements that highlight only the benefit of a drug product and do not focus on its associated risks can lead to potential side effects for the patients. Thus any pharmaceutical company should follow some ethical guidelines for medico marketing of their products:
-The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (iFPMA) code of pharmaceutical marketing practices.
-The World Health Organization’s ethical criteria for medicinal drug promotion
-The code prepared by Health Action International
The major targets of Medico Marketing are to:
– launch a drug product in the pharmaceutical market
– promote the product
– build up a recognition of the product
– educate the consumers about its usage, dose and safety.
Medico Marketing Documents
To satisfy the above requirements various Medico Marketing documents are developed by medical writers. A few of them are:
Visual Aids: A visual should be well-designed and should contain all the product-related information, like the brand name, composition, detailed molecular structure, usage and benefits.
In visual aids texts, images and symbols are incorporated intelligently to attract the attention of doctors and users. Visual aids can be either in printed or electronic form.
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Role of Medical Writers
Every pharma company has a team of Medico Marketing writers. They not only have a crystal clear knowledge of the product function, and mechanism of action of the drug product but also must know the marketing strategies very well. It is their responsibility to develop the medico marketing documents.
- http://www.worksure.org/medico-marketing/
- https://www.pharmavisualaid.in/importance-pharma-visual-aid/
- https://www.pharmavisualaidsprinting.com/pharma-leave-behind-cards.php
- https://www.sender.net/blog/medical-newsletter-examples/
- https://www.patientpop.com/blog/5-article-formats-healthcare-blogging/
- https://whatfix.com/blog/salesforce-training/
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/regulatory-writing-v-medical-communications-what-