By – Gayatri V
MagMAX™ Saliva gDNA Isolation Kitaction Kits
The Mag MAX Saliva gDNA Isolation Kit is a scalable and automatable magnetic bead-based sample preparation technology for the isolation of genomic DNA (gDNA) from fresh and stabilized saliva. The resulting purified gDNA is ideal for variety of downstream molecular biology applications such as qPCR, next-generation sequencing, and microarray analysis. The Mag MAX Saliva gDNA Isolation Kit maximizes gDNA yields by treating samples with an innovative lysis/binding solution to simultaneously lyse cells, denature proteins, and capture gDNA on high-capacity magnetic binding beads. The Saliva gDNA Wash Isolution removes proteins, detergents, and other impurities from the bound nucleic acid. The beads release gDNA using a low-TE elution solution. In Mag MAX Saliva gDNA Isolation Kit several laborious sample processing steps combined together into a single step to minimize the time and effort typically required by other methods, without compromising yield and purity. It process a broad range of sample volume inputs simultaneously without sample normalization or reagent volume adjustments for hassle-free sample preparation.

Key features of the MagMAX Saliva gDNA Isolation Kit:
• They can process up to 96 samples in 25 minutes with 5 minutes hands-on time.
• Isolate gDNA from 200 µL–2 mL of saliva using simple protocols in SBS microtiter plates.
BioChain’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kit
Isolated DNA should
BioChain’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kit is designed for the purification of genomic DNA. Purification is performed with the use of spin columns which bind the DNA. Phenol-chloroform and precipitation steps are not involved in this procedure. The Isolation of the DNA is performed by lysing the cells in a solution containing chaotropic salts and detergent. The isolated DNA can be used for PCR amplification template, Southern Blot analysis, SNP analysis, and DNA methylation research. Each kit can be used to isolate genomic DNA from 5 grams of tissue and cells. All of contents of the Saliva and Septum DNA Isolation Kit solution should be stored at room temperature. The Proteinase K Solution should be stored at -20°C.
Key features of BioChain’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kit
1. Isolating high quality genomic DNA.
2. Total isolation time is less than 25 min.
3. Sample range is 50 µl to 200 µl
Norgen biotek
Norgen’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kit provides a fast and simple procedure for isolating genomic DNA from both preserved saliva samples and fresh saliva samples. Salivary DNA purified using Norgen’s kit is of the highest quality, and is compatible with a number of downstream research applications including PCR, Southern Blot analysis, sequencing and microarray analysis. Norgen’s Purification Technology is based on spin column chromatography. The genomic DNA is preferentially purified from other cellular components such as proteins and RNA. Saliva DNA can either be isolated from saliva samples collected and preserved using Norgen’s Saliva Collection and Preservation Devices or fresh saliva samples. Maximum Saliva Input is 0.5 mL. Preserved saliva samples are mixed with Proteinase K and incubated for 10 minutes at 55°C, then Binding Buffer B is added to the sample, followed by a second incubation for 5 minutes at 55°C. Isopropanol is then added to the mixture. The resulting solution is then loaded onto a spin column. Only the DNA will bind to the column, while most of the RNA and proteins will be removed in the flow though. The bound DNA is then washed with the provided Wash Solutions in order to remove any remaining impurities and the purified total DNA is eluted with the Elution Buffer B. The purified DNA is of the highest quality and can be used in a number of downstream applications.