Key Responsibilities Required For A Dental Researcher To Fulfill In The...

This article tells you about 5 such responsbilities that you will have to take up while being a dental researcher.
person writing on paper at lap

How To Break Into Science Journalism

This post gives us few steps on how any student can enter into science journalism and be a great journalist.

Top 10 Skills That Dental Students Need To Enter The Genomics...

This article is about some essential abilities that dental students require in order to excel in genomics industry.

Top 10 Reasons Why Dental Professionals May Want To Consider A...

The genomics industry is a rapidly growing field that offers many opportunities for dental professionals looking to expand their skills and make a career...

Expert’s Speak: A Mindblowing Interview with Praveen Gupta, Founder & CEO,...

About Our Guest Our esteemed guest Mr Praveen Gupta, Founder, and CEO of Prema's Life Sciences is one of the top 10 most influential entrepreneurs...

Overweight And Menstruation Correlation: Foods To Abate Pain

Menstruation is a natural, beautiful phenomenon of nature that also resembles the moon's waxing and waning cycle. Some might not believe in speculation, but...

Chalk Out Your Science Career Plans

A science enthusiast looks for science in everything in a routine life. A curious mind, an explorer, who is very keen about the details....
cooked dish on gray bowl

How fiber-rich food prevents chronic diseases by modulating our genes?

Hello, my dear friends. I hope you all are doing well. Today I have come to you with one interesting fact related to our...

Advanced Imaging In Dentistry: Radiomics, Radio Genomics and Molecular Imaging

Technological integration has evolved the medical imaging science from 2 dimensional to three-dimensional imaging and in turn has enhanced the patient care levels. The...

Can Lifestyle Changes Reverse Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism means your body’s energy generator, the thyroid, is working less efficiently. As a result, you feel low, depressed, lethargic, and sometimes flu-like illness....